Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Back To School!

Are you all excited to get back to school!??
No?.. Why not? Is it because of the; Waking up in the morning, the teachers that don't like you, the homework that you don't want to do etc?
Well don’t worry about it too much, I’m sure you’ll live!
…What? you don’t believe me huh.. It’ll kill you to get your lazy butt out of bet in the morning huh? Well listen up, let’s look at this thing a whole different way shall we…
Personally, I find myself being a little- no, quite a bit lazy over the vacation/in the summer, and going back to school is a good way for me to have no other choice but to get my gorgeous little butt out of that bed that somehow seems to get more comfortable on school days. It gives me a reason to get out of my house that I’ve been in way too much for quite a while, even if you have been out of your house a lot and got to sleep in, waking up early can feel good if you wanted it to. When you wake up early, you wake up to fresh, clean air that haven’t been so contaminated with all the day’s activities yet so when you wake up, be grateful for life then take a very deep refreshing breath and exhale that baby with a sigh of relief! And don’t forget to wake up with nice frame of mind to get that day started.
Last term wasn’t so good? Those grades wasn’t so hot? Who cares! Well.. you should care but not to keep yourself down.. It is a fresh new semester/term and what’s done is done, If your grades were good or bad, now is your chance to show them what you’ve got, make them wonder if you experienced some amazing epiphany over that vacation by scoring even higher, walk into that school with confidence and if you’re having trouble with it you can start where you’re comfortable, maybe make a fashion statement or make new friends! You’re stuck there anyways so why make it more tiring with a negative mindset.. Even if it’s not paradise, you can make it not be as bad as you thought it was before.
How about finally getting to see all your friends!! That’s always a plus! New school? Great, a wonderful opportunity to make new friends, friends with great personalities. Use this new semester to try new things and learn from the mistakes you made last semester. Be inspired to feel inspired!

People always ask my how I’m always so positive etc. and I have so much that I would like to share with you to inspire you and make you smile but then I’d just be here typing non-stop for days. But if you guys would like me to make it a series here on this blog, I would be happy to. And when you’re feeling a bit too lazy to read, I’ll also make an exciting school series on my YouTube so you can sit back, Enjoy and Be Inspired!

Till next time, stay beautiful!.. and handsome ;)

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